Big baby bump grump.

Ok so I am your classic, textbook pregnant lady.

Hormonal, over sensitive, waddley, aggressive, insecure, and feel like I look like the beast of bodmin. Leaving the house has been tricky due to Bronchitis and heavy snow fall - team that with not owning a coat that meets in the middle and I have just been rather fed up. 

Then of course once I do leave the house I am faced with the endless comments on the size of my bump. The lady in Sainsburys doesn't know me from Adam yet it is her god given right to pass judgement on my belly size (regardless of the fact that she has a mole the size of fricking Jupiter on her face). And no this isn't me being a little over sensitive, 'blimey look at the size of you, you must be about ready to drop' 
Me: 'I have 11 weeks left, actually'
Sainsburys lady: 'Well you could have fooled me, you are huge!'

Gee, thanks for that Giant Mole Lady. I will be sure to have a spring in my step after such a strange compliment. Not.

I have literally heard 'Are you sure it's not twins in there, haha' about 8 million times. It wasn't funny the first time. 

There's nothing quite like paying a pregnant lady a nice compliment, is there? 

I have now adapted my attitude so that whenever someone comments on the sheer size of me, I literally am quite rude back. And I couldn't care less about offending said person either - seriously think before you comment on someones size will you people? It's not acceptable for me to comment on the size of your mole/arse/thunder thighs/bad skin/double chin so why do you feel the need to comment on the size of me? 

**rant over**

So after my midwife check yesterday, I can confirm I am measuring at 30 weeks, I am 29 weeks 5 days so that means I am measuring spot on for my dates HURRAH! Stick that in your pipe Giant Mole Lady.

I heart my baby bump


..:.lab.:.. said…
Hi, I found your blog through the March Birth Club on the Babycentre forum. I'm due 1st March.

Anyway, it's a great read and I can relate to a lot! Bizarrely today someone has said to me 'are you sure there aren't twins in there' - in my own home! I just smile :) The important thing is we know we're the right size! And growing healthy happy babies!

Lucy ( x

Jen Loves Joy said…
Thanks Lucy, I'm just about to have a nosey at your blog too!

Jen x
thebabywife said…
I think I would be hard pushed to resist patting their obviously un-pregnant but perhaps slightly flabby bellies and asking when they are due. Or in the case of Giant Mole Lady, patting her mole and asking when it's having mole babies. Your bump is 29 week perfection, don't you worry xxx
Anonymous said…
You look perfect and gorgeous xxx
I think that very same lady asked me
for I.D for a lighter a few weeks
ago... Stupid bint! xxx
Anonymous said…
Jen, Last comment was from me, Sophie! X

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