Bare Escentuals Mineral = Yes.

I've just received my new Bare Escentuals mineral make up

Oh my god the excitement! I am going to do a make up tutorial on how to create the perfect base because this stuff is like magic in a pot. (no I don't get commission for bigging it up!)

When my wedding was featured on Rock My Wedding I was floored by the amount of compliments I received from readers about my skin. Yes being three months pregnant might have had something to do with it, but in all honestly I spent the first 16 weeks honking up in the toilet and felt green and pretty darn ropey all the time - so being pregnant had naff all to do with why my skin looked the way it did, it's all down to the product and the application. And anyone can do it, I swear.

(any excuse to show the wedding piccies off)

Will make a huge effort to get the tutorial published by the end of the week - promise.


Jessie said…
Ooh yes please Jenny. Ever since I saw your wedding posted on RMW I've been meaning to get some Bare Escentuals foundation so anything that helps me towards getting it right would be hugely appreciated!!
Jen Loves Joy said…
Jessie it's easy peasey, I will show you x
Sarah B said…
I am very excited about this (especially as I can't have you to do my make up, boo)! x

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