One Lovely Blog.

I have received the honour of being awarded the 'One Lovely Blog Award' by fellow blogger and bride Simone over at Take My Hand My Whole Life Too and it made my day! 

So I am passing on the lovliness of blogsharing;

The following 15 blogs are my favourites because they inspire me, move me, and entertain me. Of course I can relate to most of them too because they're about Weddings/babies/life in general. So in no particular order here they are:

Chic Intuition

A Cup of Jo

Boho Baby Bump

Happy Sighs

Rock My Wedding

Bleubird Vintage

Lobster and Swan




She Breathes Deeply

Miss Pickering

The Brides Cafe

Any Other Wedding


thebabywife said…
Awww, thank you lovely! Sharing all this blog love is heartwarming on this horrible snowy day! xxx
Clare said…
Thank you!! Tis much appreciated! How are things going with the baby bump - it's been at least a week since we had bump pictures - MORE PLEASE! I'm not quite ready for the baby thing yet, but I also really want to be ready, so right now I am living vicariously through you!


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