Honeymoon. Part One.

Seems like yonks since our honeymoon 


We really did have the most amazing time though. Travelling round Thailand without a backpack was really nice, and staying in boutique hotels was something I could definitely get used to!

Chaing Mai was fabulous, and visiting old family friends made it even more fab. I haven't seen Victor since I was a little girl, but it was just like visiting an old uncle the way he looked after us! We stayed at The Rachamankha for a week, the architecture is breath taking and the service amazing! 

Thailand was a different experience when pregnant - in the sense that I didn't get rat arsed and party all night long, but I had a massage every day for about £3.00 for an hour. And I rested in beautiful surroundings.

We spent a bit of time around the pool enjoying the gardens resting in the shade, visited hill temples, spent some time hanging out with some tigers, and saw lots of bands. Boy can the thais play music! I was still suffering with my morning sickness, so tried to stay out of the sun and took things nice and easy.

Part two... Koh Phangan (my paradise) coming up!


Rach said…
aaaah I can't wait! I love love love Koh Phangan! Looks like you had a great time missus x

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