Strong feelings about nappy bags.

I follow this blog because she's young, recently married, and up the duff like I am.

She thinks like me too, only today I got a bee in my bonnet about nappy bags - the ones branded with 'Mamas and Papas' or 'Mothercare' (you know the ones). I don't want it. I don't want any of the baby crap that is naff and plastic and covered in Elephants (sorry i just don't!). I agree with this blog post, baby crap is ugly. And I too feel as strongly about it as I did about not having my hair up on my wedding day. 

God bless pregnancy hormones ;o)

And god bless Etsy, I have found so many cute things to buy!


Becca said…
Haha! Too right - if you're going to be so busy with baby that you don't even have time to wash your hair, then you at least deserve pretty accessories to make up for it :)
Jen Loves Joy said…
Too right indeed Becca!

Oh god I hope my fringe grows out before the baby comes, I now have visions of a dodgy greasy fringe - argh!

The Tea Drinking Bride said…
Have you seen the storksak bags...drool. I suppose they are the maternity equivalent of a Birkin. And drool.

I like your fringe....and dry shampoo works wonders!

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