
I came home from my honeymoon absolutely dying to see my best mate Siba and her beautiful baby daughter Macie Loulipops. 

After a rather challenging year she overcame more than a few hurdles and just as things were looking up, and she was on the brink of turning her life around her husband drops the bombshell that he doesn't love her anymore, and that he's met someone else. What a heartbreaking clanger!

They have been married two years, together for seven, and have the most beautiful charismatic little baby girl.

Sounds a little like this can pass as 'the seven year itch' but from what she's told me he sounds as though a decision has been made, without offering her as much as a sniff of hope of working on their marriage together. 
Not so much as a sniff!

So after all those years together, all those promises and memories he's just declared it's over, and left.

And she's left bewildered, and blaming herself.

Sometimes you just don't know what's around the corner.

Do you know how she coped with this news? She did what any woman would do, she turned to her friends. Armed full of love and advice we've tried to rally round as much as we can and try and carry her through this god awful time, although there isn't really much any of us can do, nothing can take her heartache away, and none of us can give her back her confidence. However she has surprised me with her coping methods, and took herself off abroad for a weeks holiday. Just her and Macie. Her first trip abroad since her honeymoon a few years prior. And she did it all on her own. Not a huge deal you may think, but considering this was the girl who couldn't even bear to spend ten minutes alone with her own head for company, and who is now holidaying alone with a broken heart? She has come a long way already, and although she has a long way to go I know she is going to come out of this marriage more beautiful than she is now, stronger than she has ever been, and I can't help but feel sort of grateful to her husband. For freeing this amazing woman and for allowing her to move on so she can meet someone who deserves to have someone so special in their lives, someone who bears the burden of life with her. She doesn't know how truly amazing she is, one day she will though, and I can't wait to watch her fall in love all over again with someone who can offer her passion, and romance, and security.


thebabywife said…
I'm sorry to hear of your friends marriage break up, but she will be honoured to read such a heartfelt post about herself. Sometimes life has to break you to put you back together better than you were before x
Alex D said…
What a lovely post. I second what littlewife said so eloquently. Your friend Siba is clearly a gorgeous girl and her daughter is beeyotiful.

All the best to her. Things can only get better. x

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