
So part of being pregnant is you don't really feel the urge to get glammed up and hit the town - getting drunk seems like a thing of the past and all you feel like doing is hibernating. Part of the hibernating process is dealing with boredom, and spending a lot of time on your own - because your husband will invariably still have a hectic social schedule and won't think twice about going out with his mates and drinking and leaving you on your larry lonesome to feel fat, boring, and pregnant.  

One thing I have always been guilty of when I get bored is spending waaaaay too much time stalking people on facebook, and changing my image. 

Luckily the most recent change of image wasn't a drastic one. I typically dye my hair red when I get bored (and yes I have lots of red hair dye hiding away in the wardrobe for my bored moments!) Luckily this time all I decided to do was cut myself a fringe. 

And what have I done since cutting said fringe? Spent every moment trying to hide the fringe in a dodgy side fringe swipe/hair clip combo. It looks DODGY and I will spend the next few months growing the damn thing out. 


Big Gem said…
Congrats on the bubba!! Didn't know but very excited for you! Can't wait to see the report up on RMW SOON!!
Also, having just found out I am also in the 'club' (did you get the whole I am filled with lead & too tired to move too?) I can second the bordem!
Jen Loves Joy said…
Thanks Gemma! Oh my god I just want to lay on the sofa until the baby is due! Congratulations to you aswell!

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