Big surpises from Aus

This week I have mostly been manic.

Manic about being prepared for the wedding and getting things done and getting hold of people and changing seating plans and **ok breathe**.....

I have enjoyed my last working day as Miss Palmer and I have the week off to relax, enjoy the few last minute jobs that need doing and chill the f**k out. 

I have also enjoyed the most wonderful weekend I've had in years! My two best friends have been plotting behind my back (in a nice way) and who turns up on my doorstep saturday afternoon? Em. My Em. From Aus. With a baby sling. With baby Cohen in it. 


Overwhelmed much? Yes I wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry. My voice seems to have gone up several octives with the excitement because I used to talk like a man. 

My Emma, is actually here. To be at my wedding. With the baby that hates to sleep. How lucky am I? It's something I have dreamed of for the last 18 months and I knew it just wasn't going to happen because well, she lives in Aus now and has just had a baby. She's changed only a little, in the sense that she's sporting some fabulous tattoos

So my weekend was a huge emotional ride of nostalgia, laugher, food, wine and just being 'us'. 

I have never felt so happy



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