Generally feeling jacked off.


Things and people are getting on my nerves today. 

Things that annoy me? People who lack independence. It's pathetic. 

People who are overly defensive and who brag alot about what they are doing with their life as if they are something special whilst taking absolutely no interest whatsoever in what you're doing.

People who find it hard to be happy for other people

People who have no layers - fickle shallow people who are too into themselves and what they look like. 

People who use sarcasm to make some sort of point. 

People who speak to me like shit at work on the phone. 

Why is it so hard to be happy for other people? I love to hear when people are doing well, i love happy endings and with all the sham drudgery and heartache in the world it's nice when good things happen. 

I hate people who look down their noses at other people just because they don't 'fit' into what is socially fashionable at the time.  I also hate it when people go out of their way to make a point of telling said people that they don't 'fit' into what is socially fashionable and try to make them out to be some sort of weird wacko when really, they're just not a chav.
Image courtesy of ffffound

I miss being around my kind of people, I love my life here with Mr O and i love him so so much, but I miss being with my friend EJ and my bestest boy buddy Nick, because when I spend time with these people I remember who I am, and they bring out my true character and ignite my soul. I am feeling really really up and down at the moment and know that tomorrow is a new day, and I will feel tons better - but today everything just seems to be chuffing me right off!


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