For the love of Paloma...
Ok so apologies for the lack of blogs lately, it's been yet another period of grief and sorrow and dark times. However my college course has finished now (wahoo!) I am officially a qualified Make Up artist specialising in Skin Care. And boy am I proud of myself. I'm hoping for a Distinction, having handed my portfolio in for marking and glimpsing other students folders I sense I may just be in for a Merit. But I acheived Distinctions on all my practical assignments, which is where it counts really so I am reet chuffed with myself. Pat on the back for JP.
The ball is well and truly rolling and I am back on the choo choo train to Weddingville. My writing on rockmywedding has received some really positive feedback, and I am literally throwing myself into it with gusto now. Less than 6 months until the Big Day.
Also I have been wasting far too much time on Facebook - so have resolved to use my spare time more productively from now on.. and I've been working out like a bitch on a mission so things are all good.
Now back to my subject for today... For the love of Paloma.
I am so in love with Paloma Faith, well, not actual love but I love looking at images of her (as I do with most good photography of classicly beautiful women). I am going to try to emulate her make up - and those eyebrows, they're so classic!
The ball is well and truly rolling and I am back on the choo choo train to Weddingville. My writing on rockmywedding has received some really positive feedback, and I am literally throwing myself into it with gusto now. Less than 6 months until the Big Day.
Also I have been wasting far too much time on Facebook - so have resolved to use my spare time more productively from now on.. and I've been working out like a bitch on a mission so things are all good.
Now back to my subject for today... For the love of Paloma.
I am so in love with Paloma Faith, well, not actual love but I love looking at images of her (as I do with most good photography of classicly beautiful women). I am going to try to emulate her make up - and those eyebrows, they're so classic!
Her voice, her style. She's stunning and has great taste in clothes.
I'm also loving Paloma's Nest, the cute little ring bearer bowls are SO original - I have ordered one for my wedding and they have lovely saying's engraved on the dish like 'Be Happy, Be Loving, Be True'.
You tie your rings to the string and the ring bearer carries them up the aisle (in our case Little Man Thomas will be doing the honours for us!) At almost 3 years old he is going to make a most handsome page boy indeed.