Weight Issues

I'm getting really fed up with the fella having a pop at me all the time about my weight. Always commenting on everything I eat - i'm skipping meals and snacking on healthy food and I still can't win. I daren't eat anything in front of him now because I am so weary of the looks I get if I finish my plate and don't leave anything. If my portions sizes are too big, I get 'the look', if I want a low fat yogurt for dessert i get 'the look', if we eat out I make sure I order something small or something healthy because otherwise I know i'll get the look and the meal will be ruined for me, it's just a constant disapproval of food constantly and it's tiring. I'll get a poke in the stomach or a prod on the arm and a joke made about bingo wings or pies. The odd joke now and then is funny, but not every single day. I've made it clear i hate my body and want to lose weight, I even joined the gym for him because he was worried that i didn't do any excercise and that i might have a heart attack and die of obesity. I've never known anyone so obsessed I can only conclude that perhaps I am blinkered and can't see how big I really am - perhaps I need to see what he see's somehow. No wonder I struggle with confidence, I used to manage to lose weight a lot easier when i wasn't made to obsess about it. It's been turned into such a battle now I feel there's nothing for it but to cut everything out of my diet completely and live on fresh air.


Anonymous said…
Oh my god Jen, you're stunning and the rest of the world knows it. You don't need to loose weight, you are not blinkered, you're a perfectly healthy weight, please try to ignore it all and eat what you are happy to eat. Love you lots Siba x x

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