Vet expenses and computer virus.

Bloody laptop. Only gone and picked up a virus that has completely fecked it up. I am using the boyfriends laptop to do my course on, speaking of which... I submitted my specialist certificate in Grammar.... and I passed with 81% - all the hard work, tears, and sleepless nights was worth it! So I can start the actual TEFL course now, which is good but i'm starting to wonder if it is for me. I will finish the course, as i am really enjoying it, and i will see where it leads me...

So Millie's kidneys are still giving her gyp, and she has had an attack of arthritis in her pelvis so the poor thing has been a bit moody but luckily the vet says she can take kitty morphine (more expense!) but seeing as she's been part of the family for 16 years I feel I can't deny her a happy ending.

It's less than two weeks until we are off to India! I still haven't collected our visa's, nor have I even made a start on finding a sari or salwaar to wear to the Hindu wedding.... better get my arse into gear really. I am looking forward to it SOO much, and am even contemplating doing the 2 week volunteering trip - booking that when i return from India, will be good to use my TEFL. We'll see what happens as i am currently trying to pursuade my sister she needs to take some time out from the corporate world and maybe accompany me to thailand. I fail to see how she will meet the man of her dreams on a package holiday.

Missing my mum lots this weekend, feeling quite down. This video is so lovely, as i have forgotten her voice and her laugh especially


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