Rita von Please

I've just been reading New Year diet tips for those of us who have piled on the pounds... what a load of bollocks. There were photo's of Katie Holmes, like we all want to look like Katie Holmes? I don't think. Whats wrong with the world, all this size zero nonsense, and don't tell me Posh Spice is naturally that skinny, because she ain't. The footage of her in her spice girls days before she went all 'L.A' prove she's just a normal size, and should probably be at least a size 10. Which, lets face it, used to be acceptable, but these days even a size 10 is classed as too big by society. It infuriates me. Angelina Jolie is deemed beautiful by the majority, next time you have a look at a picture of her, imagine she had no bust and what would she look like? She'd have the waist of a 10 year old boy and scrawny little arms and legs, and what about her arse? What arse??! Is that beautiful??
Take a look at this 'Varga' girl portrait, famously created by Alberto Vargas in the 40's. I know we've come a long way from the 40's, I mean womens roles are totally different - we certainly don't fetch our husbands slippers when he arrives home from work! But these Varga pictures are beautiful. Women look like women, shapely, healthy. These are the sort of girly mag pictures I approve of, not a manky old minge in sight, just tasteful, sophisticated glamour.