Energy costs spark cutbacks..

They've announced that help will be given to those living in poverty to help them protect their homes against the ever rising cost of energy bills.

How infuriating is this? People in need (ie: those on disability living allowance, carers, and those over 70) Don't need help insulating their lofts against the cold, they need money in their pockets to pay for the energy bills this winter! We are a benefit state, and there are some who diddle the government (job seekers, people on the sick etc) but there are real people who need real help to cover the cost of living in this country. It makes me sick to think that old people are in their homes suffering with the cold and struggling to survive because of the cost of fuel bills when the Government could quite easily knock this on the head. The UK have the highest fuel charges of any country in the EU, yet considering we provide our own gas (British Gas) it makes you wonder why we have to pay so much for it? It's not like we're importing it from Uganda for heavens sake.

There are a huge amount of vulnerable people out there, single parents on a low income, pensioners, disabled people etc and they need help. What gets my goat is people who are sitting pretty who have no idea how it is to struggle and ignorantly turn their nose up.


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