Gym related Benefits

I keep measuring what i eat in terms of how long i have to do at the gym to burn said food off.
1 packet of Ryvita mini's cheese and onion flavour = 103 calories = 10 minson the bike
I'm going to start adding up all my calorie intake each day and see just howmuch i'm actually eating, then burn off as much as i can at the gym 4 timesa week.

What's that smell....? Do i sense the beginning of an obesessive eating disorder?

My problem is i just love food. love love love it. Love trying out new thingsin the kitchen, love copying things off the tv chefs, love the taste of food. It's some sort of divine miracle that i'm not clinically obese. Because i base my entire day around food. I wake up thinking what's for dinner?!
Then I sleepily wander into the kitchen and the cat's food bowl wafts a nastytripey smell up at me and all thoughts of food escape my mind.

So for all the fat people out there do yourselves a favour and invest in cats and gravy based cat fodder. Because it hums so bad you will be put off eating anything. Especially pies.


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