Two Under Two.

It's 15.20 on a Monday afternoon, I am still wearing what I wore in bed last night, I haven't even managed to put on a bra, and I don't recall brushing my teeth, although - I managed to brush Williams so perhaps I did mine at the same time, who knows? The nap William normally takes at 11am didn't happen because I foolishly left a vitamin C lollypop laying around, which he found, and wanted to eat. So to avoid having an arguement with him and the ensuing tantrum, I let him eat. Which lead to him not wanting his nap, no, he wanted to run from one end of the flat to the other, crashing into the wall like he was a crash test dummy. So at 3pm he decided he was tired, so I had to fight to get him into his cot and then he passed out, because he was flipping tired from all that wall crashing. 

Lily wanted her ten am bottle at nine am, despite having been on the boob since five am (growth spurt me thinks?) and hasn't wanted to be put down at all, so I have had to wear her in the wrap all day - even (rather shamefully) wearing her whilst taking a poo break with the door open so that William could race in and out as he pleases (because closing the toilet door only causes tantrums). Perhaps I brushed my teeth then? I wish I could remember. 

The day started with promises (to myself) that I would do the Zumba Fitness DVD Mr O downloaded for me, and that I wouldn't snack on toast with lots of butter. Well I have a sleeping baby strapped to my chest who wakes up the moment I put her down, I cannot see the living room floor for toys and crumbs, and the dining room table is full of dirty cups/bowls/plates that need taking into the kitchen and washing up. I also have a mountain of clothes on the floor in the bedroom that need putting away, and ironing galore. I'd like to just put my feet up and enjoy a cup of tea, but the guilt (and the mess) staring me in the face of indulging in something so selfish just means I wouldn't enjoy it or be able to relax, so I am going to have to whizz round and get the flat looking ship shape. Just so when William wakes up he can make a mess all over again. Oh, and I need to prepare dinner too, because when they are both awake it's impossible to do anything with one in my arms and the other hanging off my leg. Good job I did the shopping yesterday because there's no chance I would get out of the flat today, it's a case of having to think ahead, plan, and be uber organised... which although I am still a novice I am learning! I have learnt from past mistakes, I always make sure we have plenty of cat litter, and toilet roll!  Don't want to be running out of them again in a hurry... what a mess.


Hannah said…
Hi jenny,

Just a little note to say still loving the blog and watching your beautiful family grow.

you won't remember this, but i emailed you out of the blue last year moaning about how broody I was newly married and aching to have a baby!

well... I'm pregnant! woop woop

I can tell your blog will be such a source of information and inspiration to me in this massive, life changing, scary but amazing thing!

all the best,
Hannah x
Anonymous said…
I know it must be hard. But you have two healthy kids. I can't have them. I am so jealous of your chaos.
Anonymous said…
I know how you feel, hang on in there, it gets better!
Tracy said…
As a mum of twins, my house and myself regularly got neglected. Putting a brush through my hair felt like a great achievement, let alone putting make up on!! And as for the housework, well I got a cleaner - I couldn't cope any longer. These days shall pass, your gorgeous children look thriving so keep doing what you're doing! xx

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