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Jennifers Joy!

This little blog of mine started waaaaaaaaaaay back in 2007. It wasn't started for any other reason than my Mum telling me how she enjoyed reading my writing, and perhaps I should find somewhere to let it all out, the good, and the bad. It's taken many guises over the years, through bankruptcy, the death of my Mum, travelling, wedding planning, babies, relocations abroad, it's literally my entire adult life, all in one space. So I am honouring the history between Blogger and I, and I am bringing these pages back from the dead. I'm a Stay at home Mum first and foremost so alot of the crap I post will be related to that. I'm a make up artist by hobby, and I love painting faces. Pretty good at it too (if i say so myself). I'm a feminist (it isn't a dirty word) and I am raising my army of feminists (in the shape of my darling children). Equal rights for all #vivelarevolution And of course, the woman who made me, a little nod to her, for the confidenc...

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Party Make Up

Vintage Pin Up Make Up

Bridal Trial for Simone

Special occasion make up

Birthday make up

Sophie ~ bridal make up

Tracey ~ bridal make up

Bridal trial ~ Sophie

Toddler Proof kiss proof Lip Stain...

Prom Make Up ~ Lauren